Friday, May 18, 2012

Candelight, Chardonnay + Creativity

Last night we hosted our second "Dreams Blossom" Workshop...a powerful evening with a gorgeous, fun group of women.  We hosted the class at my dear friend Lizzie's new cottage...on her lush Alice-in-Wonderlandish front lawn.  It was the perfect backdrop to mingle Feng Shui and art.  Add new friends, old friends and we had a bunch of sassy, creative women and wine. 

We started our night with a Divine Love meditation to ground and open up to our creative flow.  Next, we brainstormed and did some free writing to focus on their intentions (wishes, prayers, desires).  I loved the supportive, generous vibe of all the women.  We sorted through piles of words, clippings, photos, maps, fabric, etc.  We applied the power of the Bagua (Feng Shui energy map) to really empower each piece.  We added layers of color and dimension and meaning.  Hidden quotes and meaningful memories.

A few of the girls were nervous about the fact that they weren't the "artistic type".  It was beautiful to watch each piece unfold.  Each canvas was as unique and beautiful as the women creating them.  10 completely different Vision Board canvases....chock full of meaning and heart and dreams ready to blossom.  We created and laughed and painted until dark:

My favorite line of the night was from Ashley, "I think I'm going to call this piece "Candlelight Chardonnay".  The wine definitely fueled the creativity!

I am grateful for the gathering of such uplifting and inspiring women.  I can't wait to hear about each vision board and the powerful manifestations they create!  Sending you all powerful, supportive Chi to fuel your dreams.

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