Friday, February 10, 2012


Today is my birthday!  I've been spoiled rotten with love and well wishes since the moment I woke up (breakfast in bed made by my kiddos and sweet Hubby), kidnapped by dear friends for pedicures and lunch, received countless kind emails, messages, singing.  I am one blessed girl!! 

It's been waaaaay too long since I've written a I thought I would pop in today to say hello and share a happy, fun, relevant Feng Shui cure.

This fabulous Birthday Feng Shui cure is a great gift to bring to friends and loved ones and it's a super powerful way to spend your birthday with intention.  This cure is via the supremely talented Ellen Whitehurst, who ironically shares my birthday!!

  1.  Buy 5 helium balloons, one of each of the following colors:  red, yellow, white, pink and purple
  2.  Tie a tail on each balloon with either nine or eighteen inches of red (a lucky color and length!) ribbon, string, thread or yarn

Include a new black felt-tip marker and the following instructions:

Have the birthday girl or boy write one wish on each balloon that best describes his or her heart's desires.  When the celebrant is finished writing each wish, on a clear, sunny day from an open space (park, backyard), gently release one of the "wish" balloons at a time.  When the baloons have all vanished from sight, then the wishes have entered the stream from which all life flows. 

It is promised that before the next birthday either one or possibly all of the wishes will have come true.

Happy wishing!!


  1. Happy happy birthday, I am enjoying your blog, looks great & loving your tips too! Xxx rhian

  2. I love this post. It's just wonderful to see and read about your beautiful lens on life.

  3. I do this every year ! And a lot of my wishes have come true
