Thursday, August 30, 2012

An Inspired Life

Tomorrow is the second Full Moon this month, a rare occurrence that earns this Full Moon the name Blue Moon (i.e.- "Once in a Blue Moon"....).  The Blue Moon is also known as a Healer's Moon, or my personal favorite---- a Wishing Moon!

The Wishing Moon blesses us with its appearance tomorrow, Friday August 31st.  This Full Moon will be in the astrological sign of Pisces.  During this Blue Moon (and for two weeks afterwards) the energy around your Life Purpose is being called into your Awareness.  If your life path or life purpose in general has felt a little fuzzy, foggy, uninspired or just plain "off", this Blue Moon will get you in touch with your hidden desires and fuel some amazingly inspired ideas.  The power of this Moon is to shine a light on anything that has been holding you back from sharing your Divine gifts with the world.  We are being called to live our lives ON PURPOSE, with intention and a renewed faith in our authentic Life Paths.
Pisces is emotional, healing, flowing, psychic, mysterious, unifying and compassionate.  The Full Moon in Pisces will bring great clarity and relief and "call forth the Universal Muse", according to the Astro Twins.  We will be able to tap into our imagination, which is how God/Spirit moves through us and get our creative juices flowing once again.  As Dr. Wayne Dyer says, "All that now exists was once only imagined."

Take time to write down any insights you receive tomorrow and through the weekend.  Identify what nourishes you.  What is your true passion?  What would you do if money was NO issue?  Take one small action step to set your dreams into fulfillment.

Music and dancing are hugely important for this Blue Full Moon...your prescription during this Full Moon is to get out there and dance your asses off, move your body at Yoga with chanting or just crank up the tunes in your living room.  Stay connected to the Divine Flow by connecting with your body over the next few days.

Remember, you already are ALL that you are seeking to attain.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Simple Tweaks--Huge Transformation!

Feng Shui 101 says that everything starts at the front door or Mouth of Chi for your home.  Even though that is absolutely true, I believe that the bedroom of anyone's home truly holds the key to shifting the energy in their life.  We spend over 1/3 of our day in our bedroom....time that ideally should be spent rejuvenating, reconnecting and resting from our daily grind.
Too often the bedroom becomes a catchall.  The last room on the "design" priority list.  Treadmills and old love letters, TVs and workstations, piles of laundry and mattresses leftover from your last relationship.  More often than not, when I am asked to do a Feng Shui consultation (whether its for a single woman or a marriage in crisis), I already have a good idea what I will find in the home....especially the bedroom.
On a recent consultation for a single woman client who had just moved into her first rental home, the bedroom was a symbolic representation of how she was feeling in her life, but especially her beliefs about herself and a loving relationship (and the lack thereof) .
 The first issue that I noticed was the lack of headboard for the bed.  In Feng Shui, headboards create a solid sense of support in your relationship, but also reinforcement in life overall.  A solid headboard symbolizes growth in your career, solid and harmonious relationships and a feeling of a strong foundation in life.  My client's reaction was a total "AHA!" moment.  She is 47 years old and has NEVER had a headboard.  She also has never been in a serious relationship or felt supported in her life's endeavors.
The silky yellow bedding and single pillow were far too "chilly" to invite a cozy, nurturing sleep (or a loving and sexy relationship).  She used a gift card to buy new bedding.  We moved some art around, removed a large mirror and relocated a gorgeous plush rug from her living room.
I'm always amazed how using Feng Shui's simple tweaks can produce such an amazing, drastic transformation:
Photos: Feng Shui for the OM